Episode 168

Published on:

5th Dec 2023

Truth Vs. Lies

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In this episode, Mark and Joey discuss the impact of personal narratives on relationships and challenge you to confront the lies you tell yourself. They share personal stories, debunk common myths, and emphasize the power of owning your truth. The episode encourages you to embrace accountability, reject societal dogmas, and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming the authentic, empowered man that you aspire to be.

Episode Summary:

  • Truth and lies in personal beliefs and practices. 0:03
  • Empowered AF host Mark Santiago explores truth vs. lies with guests, delving into personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Mark passes down a family tradition of cutting off both sides of a ham, but the reason is revealed to be a lie passed down through generations.
  • How many of our beliefs and practices are rooted in unverified stories and traditions, and how important it is to question and seek the truth?
  • Military deployment and relationship dynamics. 3:46
  • Mark and Joey express frustration with the pattern of losing someone and then trying to get them back, only to lose them again.
  • Mark asks the group to share their thoughts on this pattern and what they are holding onto.
  • Mark and Joey recognize a pattern of detaching and reattaching in their relationship, indicating a need for change.
  • Joey describes a cycle of detachment and attachment in military relationships, with a breakdown occurring after periods of time apart.
  • Self-defeating beliefs in relationships. 8:54
  • Joey identifies the lie as the pattern of getting stuck in a false hope, while Mark emphasizes the importance of recognizing the truth behind someone's return or absence.
  • Lies about self-worth are repeating relationship patterns.
  • Personal growth and relationship healing. 13:04
  • The importance of personal growth and self-awareness in saving a marriage, rather than solely focusing on changing one's partner.
  • Mark asserts that they are truthful and transparent in their approach, even if it means losing clients.
  • Men need to take control of their own personal growth to save a struggling marriage, rather than relying on their partner to do the work.
  • Personal growth and transformation after a divorce. 16:36
  • Mark describes feeling trapped in a marriage and experiencing a turning point where they realize they need to make changes for their own happiness.
  • Mark shares their decision to file for divorce and the emotional journey that followed, including feeling liberated and relieved.
  • Mark and Joey acknowledge the need for change and conviction rather than relying on "band-aid" solutions.
  • Mark emphasizes the importance of conviction in driving transformation, highlighting the gap between guilt and conviction.
  • Personal growth and self-awareness. 20:53
  • Ownership is acknowledging guilt and raising personal standards, not just once but every day.
  • Mark emphasizes the importance of healing and becoming one's true self, rather than fixing or changing.
  • Mark uses the story of Michelangelo and the statue of David to illustrate the idea of removing everything that is not the true self, allowing for transformation and growth.
  • Masculinity and personal growth. 24:43
  • Mark emphasizes the importance of being a "real man" with "real cotton balls" in relationships, while Joey highlights the ongoing effort required to achieve this goal.
  • They encourage listeners to take action if they're feeling stuck, offering a strategy session link for those ready to make a change.
  • Mark thanks listeners for tuning in and invites them to explore earlier episodes and connect with him in a private group.

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About the Podcast

Empowered AF
An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t. The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join...
An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t.

The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join entrepreneur, coach, and father Mark Santiago every week as he shares the secrets to stepping into your own empowerment as a man.

Each week you’ll hear about taboo issues that hold back the modern-day man from knowing who he is, what he wants, and how to become the man he wants to be as a father, husband, and leader.

About your host

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Mark Santiago