Episode 118

Published on:

20th Dec 2022

Getting Divorced? Don't Make This Huge Mistake

Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast

Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/sales-page-483638151651254399768?el=podcast

When men are in pain, they look for the CULPRIT. They look for the REASON they’re in pain, and someone or something to BLAME. They think things like “Who did this?!” and “SOMEONE needs to PAY for what I’m experiencing right now!” They look for the person or thing they can attribute their pain to. It feels EASIER to funnel pain into one person or thing than look holistically at what is really going on.

Women are looking for EMPOWERED men, men who take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions and own their sh*t. But there is one huge mistake that Mark sees men making over and over again when they are faced with divorce. This mistake leads to them being WEAK and not showing up as LEADERS in their lives. In this episode, Mark shares what that mistake is and shows you how to NOT make this mistake in your own life. Find out why leaders SERVE, and why nobody can help you unless you are HONEST with yourself.


In This Episode:

- Are you hitting the SHE button? Here’s how to tell…

- Mark shares why the pain he has experienced in his life is one of the BEST things that could ever have happened to him

- Find out why taking NO accountability for your actions is the WORST thing you can do

- Mark shares why he takes FULL responsibility for the failure of his marriage

- Hear how Mark can empower you in a healthy way

- Want to BLAME your wife for your divorce? Here’s why you shouldn’t…

And much more…

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About the Podcast

Empowered AF
An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t. The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join...
An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t.

The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join entrepreneur, coach, and father Mark Santiago every week as he shares the secrets to stepping into your own empowerment as a man.

Each week you’ll hear about taboo issues that hold back the modern-day man from knowing who he is, what he wants, and how to become the man he wants to be as a father, husband, and leader.

About your host

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Mark Santiago